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An app for every


What do you think when you hear the word “app”? Most people probably think of applications for their phone. Certainly true, but let’s go beyond this.


In 2007 the world faced a tremendous change. After 2007 the peoples behaviour were changed. It looked like the availability of mobile internet and sufficient computation power at the size of your palm were the perfect couple to give birth to countless new businesses and services.
During the last decade we learnt to post, share, comment, like and interact with all kind of people: celebrities, politicians, athletes, customers, consumers – you name it.

Additionally to mobile internet and computation power there was a third ingredient which made this success possible: apps! or written out: applications. Think about TVs, watches, headphones, virtual assistants or smart home applications.

Before smartphones conquered our everyday life the term “appz” or “apps” was heavily used by the so-called “Warez” scene and their participants. This changed dramatically with the publication of the “App Stores”.
Nowadays almost everyone knows and uses this term, even people who are not very familiar with technology and are rather end consumer than creators.

One could think that after so many years the market growth is exceeded but fortunately this is not the case. But we observe that apps change and their usage change also.

devices in 2025*

monthly traffic worldwide in GB**

app downloads in 2020***

So what does it mean for you as a company?

It means you have to be where you customers are!It also means that any company can profit from its own application – absolutely independent from its company size. If you are a smaller company you can boost internal processes and the app will help you to grow and grow with you.
When I talk to a business owner of an online shop I get to the point that they spend too much on returns. So technology can help you to cut cost, e.g. investing in an augmented reality application – so your customers can try the product before buy. And you also help to reduce traffic and carbon dioxide emissions – cool, right?

With the help of your own app you also increase customer interaction which could also lead to higher customer loyalty because you offer a richer user experience compared to your competitors.

Every time a user is sitting on his or her couch, waiting for the bus, in the bus, lunch break and swiping through their applications they see you! Even if they haven’t thought about your company the second before.

This will also help you to create new digital business models – on the one hand because you could learn what your customers want and like and on the other hand because you have an additional sales and advertising channel.